Our Hospital Bag Must Haves
Now in hindsight I can admit that we definitely overpacked for our first birthing experience. I can also admit things didn’t go as planned so maybe that changed what we ended up using/needing. However looking back these are what I would recommend as must haves for your hospital bag.
I know it’s easy to get excited and overpack, in fact i can’t guarantee I won’t overpack for the next baby so this is my best advice: if you’re loosing sleep over whether you need it or not, just bring it. It never hurt anyone to overpack, it’s just more trips to the car and back. I’ll admit I prefer to travel light but if you’re an overpacking girly like I sometimes can be then don’t even sweat it. The nurses might chuckle. You might not use half the stuff like we did, but you’ll know you had it and you’ll know you brought whatever it is. Then if you decide there’s going to be a next time you’ll know if you want everything you took the first time around.
My last bit of advice, call your hospital and ask what they give you and allow in advance. Also ask if they have been having issues stocking any items, for instance my hospital was having issues with the ice packs they give you for down under. If I had known I would have brought 1 or 2 as a backup. Some Hospitals don’t allow you to dress baby in your own clothes while staying in the hospital. Ours actually didn’t have a lot of clothes options and encouraged us to use our own. So call ahead is my last bit of advice and get some info for the hospital you plan to go to.
Hospital Bag Must Haves For Mom:
- A weekend duffle bag that can fit almost everybody
- Folder for documents
- Charging cube and even consider an extension cord with multiple types of ports like this one (get a cube that super charges your stuff fast. It’s worth it, and it’s even better if it has with multiple ports. We had multiple people using the chargers like our parents when they came for long periods of time)
- Long phone charging cable (I got 20 ft honestly you’re probably good with 10, I ended up barely using my phone anyways and mostly sleeping or adjusting to baby)
- Going home outfit of different from what you wore to go there (honestly ended up with a loose dress and loved it. Couldn’t imagine wearing pants with my C-section)
- If you are looking to have a natural birth and want to set the mood and want your speaker for music and a nightlight then go for it but we honestly felt there was enough light and didn’t use either of these even though I packed them. I also brought a fan which I ended up not using or needed but have used a ton now with the baby since it was a tiny stroller fan.
- If not supplied by hospital take your toothbrush and toothpaste (or if you prefer your own stuff feel free to bring your own toothpaste or travel toothbrush, just don’t bring anything you’ll miss if you forget/leave it behind)
- Soap for bathing (a tiny travel soap will do honestly)
- Nursing bra helpful if your not wanting boobs out. With my magnesium treatment I was basically just naked for a couple days and just rolled with it
- Nipple balm
- Silveretts nipple relief (This is a MUST for ME. If you don’t use it in the hospital you’ll use it at home i swear by these things. I literally barely used the nipple butter with these)
- You can pack a pj and robe but honestly I didn’t use them however my case was kind of different from the norm. Wouldn’t really take more than 1 cause honestly if everything went well you’re getting out of there pretty quickly

Hospital Bag Must Haves For Dad (or Partner/Support Person):
When packing Freddy’s stuff there were a few things I would not skimp on and was so happy we brought. Some things we double dipped, for instance the fast charging cube I mentioned in the mom section we both used since we both could charge our phones at the same time and it was so handy having a cube that fast charges the phones.
I made sure to get Freddy a zip up hoodie, do not sleep on this, it made skin to skin so easy for him since he could be warm and still have baby against him. He honestly could zip her up kangaroo style if her wanted to and they would have both been warm and still getting that skin to skin time.
Do not leave the blankets and pillows at home, especially in a C-section situation. Just throw the blanket and pillow in the car. Leave them there until you need them or you’re situated in your labor room or the nursery. I don’t think Freddy could have slept and gotten any rest if not for the pillow and blanket I made him pack and he swears these were the most important items for him after his headphones.
- 1-2 days of underwear
- Jogger suit )preferably with zipper not hoodie for skin to skin)
- Shorts if you think it’s hot
- Sneakers
- Sandals (bonus pints if they’re good in the shower and your man is picky about that)
- If he likes socks more than sandals can do trippy socks
- Couple shirts
- Pjs
- Extra pair of pants if you think you’ll be there more than a couple days (probably good for planned C-section)
- Blanket
- Pillow
- Headphones
- A charging cable for him if he has a different type of phone
Hospital Bag Must Haves For Baby:
- Call and see what’s provided and allowed.
- Pack 1-2 onesies with the feet it’s so cold our baby had that and was double swaddled. Also get the ones that zip and have built in mittens.
- A way to file/trim baby nails
- Going home outfit
- Anything for arrival photo- board, special swaddle, special outfit, whatever it might be
- Car seat (not in the bag but necessary to bring baby home). Honestly have it installed like week 35 and even if you just have the base installed all you gotta do is throw the seat in there. Practice strapping a baby in with a doll or stuffed animal so you know how to adjust your seat. Some of these seats are complicated and seat safety is not straight forward or intuitive.
Post partum at home:
It’s so easy to focus on the Hospital bag but the truth is that being prepared for your time postpartum at home is the more important (in my humble opinion). Most hospitals will have what you need or someone will be willing to grab something you forgot like a toothbrush or a hairbrush. One you’re home you are totally on your own. No nurses or hospital staff to help you.
You’ll be managing things like pain (especially in the case of a c-section) and breastfeeding mostly on your own. Some of us are lucky to have a village to count on for support however I can’t stress enough how important postpartum preparation is. You and your partner will probably be tired, you will be recoverin and the adjustment period will begin. Regardless of how mentally prepared you are you will have nights you don’t sleep. There will be discomfort and bleeding. It’s a beautiful stage or growth, getting to know each other and recovery.
- Depends diapers. Worth every penny.
- Frida foam and cooling/healing wipe pad thing
- Frida popsicle for your Cooch
- Loose pjs if doing C-section, preferably butt up. For first time mom’s a button up may be life until you get the hand of breastfeeding. then I prefer baggy or button up
- With the C-section I didn’t use the Frida cleaner guy but had it just in case. Honestly used the hospital one cause I didn’t get to like set things up I kind of just ended up in the toilet at some point
- Silverttes if you didn’t already get them for your hospital bag
- Nipple balm preferably one baby can drink from nipples from without having to wipe off
- Nursing bras
What I Will Be Packing Next time:
The day we are ready for baby number 2 there are a few things I will be doing that I don’t want to forget.
- Packing all same stuff for Freddy.
- Probably going to wear the same thing I wore to the hospital home
- A Film Camera
- For me I’m going to really stick to the bare minimum. I didn’t use 90 percent of what I took with me last time.
- For Baby same stuff basically.

Our Birth Story
Everything seemed fine until the last minute. I experienced some serious swelling but remained active during my pregnancy and was monitoring my blood pressure at home. My swelling even had me monitored in the hospital the week before we went in so when we went in at 37 weeks we were caught off guard when I was told I was going to be admitted.