Why a Beach Maternity Shoot

We could not have asked for a better photoshoot for our first pregnancy. Truthfully there were a lot of reasons that we went with this type of shoot and vibe. We could have done an over the top photoshoot but in the last year beach sunrises have been a very special time for us. We made it a goal to see more sunrises and beach sunrises became one of our favorite moments.
Usually we’d find the beach empty and we’d be able to cuddle or walk the shoreline together, eventually accompanied by our dog, sometimes (rarely) accompanied by someone that wanted to tag along. For the most part though it was a beautiful moment we’d catch together where the world would slow down and we would just enjoy the start of a new day and the sound of the waves and the occasional seagull or our favorite Osprey.
Planning and Implementation
I am a chronic procrastinator so I’m not going to come on here and tell you I did a lot of planning. I had been looking at different Ideas on Pinterest and basically had a board put together (you can check that out here). By the time i got around to finally reaching out to our photographer and setting everything up I was about 32-35 weeks along (possibly I honestly can’t remember). I didn’t have the nursery put together, I was working around getting the baby shower together or it had just happened, one of the two and I had almost forgotten we were planning this shoot.
The Pregnancy brain was in full force my friends and i was thoroughly caught off guard. Not to mention I was BIG, SWOLLEN and had decided on a sunrise photoshoot cause I was an early riser. but thankfully I had a cardigan that I had bought which I loved and never wore cause we live in South Florida and my jeans still fit enough to give the effect I wanted.
As far as planning, a beach shoot is so easy, and honestly not stressful as far as clothes. Even Freddy’s outfit was easy, we stuck to a neutral and white palette. We had a few options but our amazing photographer helped guide us on what would look best.

Picking a Photographer
I cannot stress this enough. Pick a photographer that you get along with. We have a go to photographer (EmilyCastCreative, She is AMAZING). We’ve worked with her before and I honestly love when we get together for any project.
I sent her out ideas and she not only had a location ready but helped guide us on our clothes and helped not just pose us but gave us great ideas for really candid photos.
I cannot be more grateful for her guidance and expertise, the photos came out exactly the way we wanted. Now my only problem is picking a photo to showcase on our wall.