Jan 21 2023

For Benjamin’s First Camping Trip

We wanted to create one place that has just the links to the camping gear we took on this trip. We might do a more in depth breakdown of some of the equipment down the road but honestly this was our first time with a lot of it. I don’t think we have any real opinions so far as the trip was really short and really more of a test run.

I can tell you up until now we are really happy with the majority of our stuff. It’s a heavy load out but one that allows us to stay in luxury. Not the kind of load out I’d recommend for a back packer or something but great for families or groups of friends.

The Tent was huge, we did not experience and inclement weather other than it being cold. We can’t tell you how it will do in a storm but we will hopefully get a chance to tell you this year since we want to go camping way more often.

Basecamp Equipment

Dog Supplies

More Camping Content

In the future as we add or update our camping gear we’ll post an update. We hope to have a post catered to what we take per trip in case we ever have some trips that are “leaner” in gear than others.

If you wanted to learn more about this particular trip feel free to check out these posts:

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