In this video I touch on our birth story with our first born. I ended up having an emergency c-section at 37 weeks when we found out I had preeclampsia. Thankfully we now have a healthy baby girl.
Everything has seemed fine until the last minute. I experienced some serious swelling but remained active during my pregnancy and was monitoring my blood pressure at home. My swelling even had me monitored in the hospital the week before we went in and they didn’t see anything alarming so when we went in at 37 weeks we were caught off guard when I was told I was going to be admitted.

At the time I went in at 37 weeks they saw my inflammation and held me for an extended amount of time. They then diagnosed me with silent preeclampsia and basically I was told that we had to induce the baby. She was in position and the hospital bag was in the car so I’m thankful that we were prepared but from there everything really started to steam roll.
My body didn’t take the induction well, we weren’t ready to have the baby and my blood pressure was going up while her heart rate dropped. She was going into distress and an emergency c-section became inevitable.
I was okay with the entire situation, since the moment I found out I was pregnant I knew a c-section was possible and never took it off the table as a birth option. Once the surgery was done baby was stable but my blood pressure wouldn’t go down. A 24 magnesium treatment was done and I was able to get it down (still high) but al least low enough to be discharged with blood pressure meds.

Now everything is good, I’m taking life slow as I recover and enjoy our baby. The sensitivity in the incision area is still there and it occasionally itches but that’s probably the worst I ever feel now a days. It took longer to get to this point than I thought but I took it as a sign to slow down and enjoy these moments with our little girl.
I’m grateful for my experience and for our healthy baby, and I’m grateful I listened to my gut and went into the hospital when we did. Both baby and I could have had a very different outcome had I not listened to my gut.