You could choose the background image as well as the color of the overlay.

You could also add any blocks to this cover block such as button or plain text.

Column block with image

This is a column block. There’re 6 variations for you to choose from and this is the 50/50 column.

Again you could add any block to this column block as well.

  • Ice cream biscuit
  • Chocolate cake
  • Lemon drops macaroon
  • Danish
  • Sugar plum gingerbread
  • Cotton candy

Column block without image

Ice cream biscuit chocolate cake. Lemon drops macaroon danish sugar plum gingerbread cotton candy oat cake dessert. Chocolate bar dragée danish appleIce cream biscuit chocolate cake. Lemon drops macaroon danish sugar plum gingerbread cotton candy oat cake dessert. Chocolate bar dragée danish Ice cream biscuit chocolate cake.

Ice cream biscuit chocolate cake. Lemon drops macaroon danish sugar plum gingerbread cotton candy oat cake dessert. Chocolate bar dragée danish appleIce cream biscuit chocolate cake. Lemon drops macaroon danish sugar plum gingerbread cotton candy oat cake dessert. Chocolate bar dragée danish Ice cream biscuit chocolate cake.

Ice cream biscuit chocolate cake. Lemon drops macaroon danish sugar plum gingerbread cotton candy oat cake dessert. Chocolate bar dragée danish appleIce cream biscuit chocolate cake. Lemon drops macaroon danish sugar plum gingerbread cotton candy oat cake dessert. Chocolate bar dragée danish Ice cream biscuit chocolate cake.

Image block full width alignment

Image block with wide alignment

Image block standard alignment

Point form listing

  • Ice cream biscuit chocolate cake.
  • Lemon drops macaroon
  • Danish
  • Sugar plum gingerbread
  • Cotton candy
  • Oat cake dessert
  • Chocolate bar dragée

Numbered listing

  1. Ice cream biscuit chocolate cake.
  2. Lemon drops macaroon
  3. Danish
  4. Sugar plum gingerbread
  5. Cotton candy
  6. Oat cake dessert
  7. Chocolate bar dragée

Button block

Table block

Title 1Title 2Title 3Title 4
Sub-item ASub-item BSub-item CSub-item D
Sub-item ESub-item FSub-item GSub-item H

Gallery Block

Embed block