If you’re looking for my quick book summary and some commentary please feel free to watch our hour long From Blood and Ash Review. I’ve never recorded any of my views on books, in such a long format. However after much internal debate I’ve decided to give it a try.
Spoiler Warning but here is my video Review, for those interested in a quicker summary feel free to read below:
- link coming here, chanced are I’ll publish this before the video comes out. debating where I should upload these
Book Rating 8/10
I don’t know if I’m in a rush to read it again but I’m actually interested in reading the sequel. This is actually unsual for me. If I feel that the story was good enough at the end of the first book I often don’t read the next book in the series. This time I’m somewhat interested to see where things go and how things develop.
My From Blood and Ash Review Summary
The book was a little kiddish at times. I’m not going to lie I’m 30 years old, so being inside the head of a 19 year old protagonist is kind of hard for me sometimes. Thankfully the book does a good job of helping you forget the main character’s age. There were times that I felt Poppy, or Penellaphe, or the Maiden, or Princess (all names she goes by) was a little overpowered. I stated this in the video and will state it again, I think this is more of a young adult novel. So what was I really expecting.
As for anyone that are wondering what the steamy parts were like, it was good. The sexual tension was a nice tease throughout the book and the climax of the book didn’t disappoint.
The book was honestly an easy read and a much needed break from the darker themes I was reading. It was also easy enough to read that I found it enjoyable even after a really stressful day. I only emphasize this because I’ve been a little overwhelmed. At times like this I find books that are too complex or heavy are hard to just slip into. This was honestly a fun time. A little predicable at times, but there was a decent curve ball or two that definitely made me say “alright, alright, alright” (bonus points to anyone that got my reference).
Hope this review did something for you. If nothing else I hope it convinces you that this book might be worth reading. Especially if you’re looking for a romance, or something to spice up your imagination. This is a pretty good pick, it had a little bit of drag but once it gets rolling it’s hard to put down.
See you next time.